Monday, August 19, 2019

Most Common Reasons That Stands Behind Divorce

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Reason 1: The Desire to get More Pleasure From Marriage

New generations of Americans do not consider it necessary to deny themselves something for the sake of stability of marriage, if they can afford more pleasure. Americans are very sober about the quality of their marriage, as if it were a tangible commodity, like a car. If family relationships do not satisfy them, they do not hesitate to break up.

Reason 2: Incompatibility on Racial, National, Religious or Other Beliefs
Among the reasons for divorce voiced, the most common is the incompatibility of the spouses. Under this more than broad concept in any given case, anything can be understood: racial, national, religious contradictions, differences in upbringing and mentality, different ideas about raising children and the distribution of responsibilities in the family, even different political views. Just the couple decide that they are not a couple and no longer want to live together.

Reason 3: Financial Difficulties

Among the other most common reasons for divorces are financial difficulties. Financial problems of varying degrees of difficulty are experienced by two-thirds of families in the United States, and monetary issues can ruin any, even the most wonderful relationship.
True, the financial crisis, oddly enough, had a positive effect on the dynamics of divorces: their number decreased in different states by 3-7%. According to the survey, about a quarter of Americans during the crisis felt that their family rallied and became stronger.

Reason 4: Physical or Moral Domestic Violence

Divorces are not so rare in the USA because of all kinds of domestic violence. True, this concept includes not only cases when a husband beats his wife and children, or threatens them with violence. But such, for example, when a wife oppresses her husband, that is, exercises constant moral pressure on him. If you feel like you can’t be happy in marriage anymore, and you tired from domestic violence in your family - maybe it’s time to ask for legal aid divorce Utah.
Not to mention situations of systematic moral humiliation of a husband or wife, ridicule of weaknesses and all kinds of bullying.

Reason 5: Alcoholism and Drug Addiction

Such social pathologies as alcoholism and drug addiction of one of the spouses remain a frequent cause of divorces. Alcohol is part of the mass consumption culture, but this does not mean that there are more chronic alcoholics than, for example, in Russia. Just alcohol, especially wine and beer, is consumed by almost the entire adult population. Nevertheless, the attitude towards alcoholism in society is clearly negative.

Reason 6: Infertility or Unwillingness to Have Children

Divorces have also become more frequent due to the infertility of one of the spouses, moreover women are more likely to seek a divorce, and men are less likely to consider a wife’s infertility a good reason for divorce. Women do not seek a divorce if the husband is infertile, but only if he does not agree that the wife give birth to a child without his help. For example, as a result of artificial insemination using sperm from a donor.

Conscious rejection of childbearing has generally become a fashion trend in countries with a high level of development. Finally, many modern city dwellers simply do not want to sacrifice their careers and an exciting, life filled with impressions for the appearance of children. This is increasingly an area in which spouses categorically cannot agree.

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